Mateo |
Mateo Solis, 7 has Cerebral Palsy since birth and comes to the Fundacion Integrar a non government organization for his therapies. |
Fabricio's mother has called to talk to her grandson. Though Mateo can barely speak three words, he loves to listen to his favorite grandmothers voice.
Mateo cries as he can't find his "Tigger", his favorite toy, while his younger sister Catalina is busy doing her homework. When Mateo is at home, he always has to have his Tigger by his side.
Fabricio Solis readies his son Mateo in the morning as they leave to go Fundacion Integrar, a school for mentally challenged kids.
Mateo gives a hard time with his breakfast before leaving for school.
Liliana helps Catalina with her homework as she juggles life with two kids.
Ruth who is a Physical therapist at the foundation, helps Mateo with balance.
Mateo is fast asleep after an hour of massage therapy at Fundacion Integrar, a school for mentally challenged kids.
Mateo is having fun with his favorite toy "Tigger" as mother, Liliana prepares dinner for him.
Mateo having a moment with his mom Liliana, in the front yard of their house.